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Oregon Veteran Profile

Charles L. Deibert

Military Service
United States Army, 220th Reconnaissance Airplane Company, 212th Combat Support Aviation Battalion, 17th Combat Aviation Group, 1st Aviation Brigade
Distinguished Service Cross
Major Charles L. Deibert

Major Charles L. Deibert, United States Army, 220th Reconnaissance Airplane Company, 212th Combat Support Aviation Battalion, 17th Combat Aviation Group, 1st Aviation Brigade. On 10 September, 1967, reconnaissance pilot (then Captain) Deibert was called to support a Marine assault near Con Thien. Under intense enemy fire and despite the dangers to resupply and medevac helicopters to land, Deibert made low passes through intense enemy fire to accurately mark hostile troop positions as targets for air strikes. Deibert also found a defilade that shielded the helicopters from enemy fire, and directed them to safe landings by the Marines. His actions changed the course of the battle, and prevented many friendly casualties. Deibert’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty kept with the highest traditions of military service, as reflected in him receiving the Distinguished Service Cross.