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Oregon Veteran Profile

Mineo Inuzuka

Military Service
Company F, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division
Distinguished Service Cross

Mineo Inuzuka was recognized for his heroic actions of May 27, 1951 near Chango-ri, Korea, while serving with Company F, 17th Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division. Within six hundred yards of the objective and under intense enemy automatic weapons fire, Inuzuka moved forward alone, located the camouflaged positions of enemy machine-gun emplacements, and adjusted mortar fire on them. Then disregarding his own safety, Inuzuka moved among his platoon members to point out individual routes of attack, successfully inspiring a spontaneous assault that secured the objective.

Inuzuka served in World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam. He was originally drafted into the U.S. Army on June 21, 1944, while being held as a Japanese-American internee at the Minidoka Relocation Camp in Idaho.